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Meet Jim Snyder (left), an extended member of the sweetpotato family, with some of his Livingston Farmers Association staff—Rosa Gutierrez, Jennifer Donovan, Andy Parsons, and Marli Foster (left to right). “These people,” says Jim, “they’re my extended family. I’m fortunate to have them around me.” Their organization, started over 100 years ago to help farmers have a voice in the market, is essentially owned by a farming co-op, and helps both sweetpotato and almond farmers pack and sell their products. “Farmers are very down-to-earth and fair people,” Jim says. “They’re salt of the earth.”

When he’s not working, Jim stays busy with his actual family, including two daughters who are registered nurses and a third who, at thirteen years old, intends to be the next manager of LFA. Sounds like she’ll fit right in, Jim!